Prominent Figures in Anthropology – 1. Lectures in Anthropology
Compiled by: Magdalena Elchinova, Tzvete Lazova. Sofia: NBU, 2004. 158 pagesAnthropology
The books presents the field of pure anthropology and at the same time, the uninterrupted dialogue between anthropology and different sciences. Included are texts on Emile Durkheim and sociology of religion, Frantz Boas – linguistics and anthropology, Bronislaw Malinowski and functionalism, Radcliffe-Brown and the development of the British social anthropology, Claude Levi-Strauss and ‘The Wild Thinking’, Clifford Geertz and ‘the nature of anthropological understanding’, Jack Goody and his multiform contribution to the modern anthropology, Pierre Burdeaux and anthropology of post-socialism, Ernest Gellner and study of nationalism, Catherine Varderi and anthropology of post-socialism, Michael Bahtin – in a different light. The edition further offers recommended readings on the presented authors.
ISBN 954-535-379-1
Price: 9.00 lv.