
Frequently Asked Questions


Below you'll find answers to questions we get asked the most about studying at NBU.



  • How can the International Relations Office help me?
  • At the International Relations Office (e-mail: foreign.student@nbu.bg) you can get consultation about anything related to your training. You can also:

    • enroll for the semester
    • enroll in a group for general education courses (for knowledge and skills)
    • register for general exam for skills
    • certify your student’s book
    • take a certificate, general or academic transcript, individual protocol
    • apply for diploma issuance
    • apply to the Rector for transfer from another university
    • apply to the Deans of Schools if you want to change a course, a program or you want to study on an individual plan
    • apply to the Committee of exceptions for financial matters
  • How to enroll for the semester?
  • You can enroll for the semester at the International Relations Office or online at E-student. After that, you need to consult the courses with the program-specialist who will fill the enrollment card and then you can do the registration of courses at the International Relations Office. You will receive a document for payment in cash or by bank.
    If you register the semester through E-student, you can print this document by yourself or pay online through the system.


  • How can I get access to E-student web portal?
  • You can get access to E-student web portal https://student.nbu.bg/  after you enroll at NBU. The student registration is done at the International Relations Office from where you’ll receive a username, which is your faculty number (student’s ID number) and a password.

  • Why should I use E-student?
  • By using the portal you can enroll for the semester, print a bank transfer document to pay your tuition fee or pay online. You can also see your program schedule, examination schedule, extracurricular courses’ timetable, professors’ schedule, professors’ visiting hours etc.

    From E-student you can check your current and final evaluation, get an individual protocol and get a general transcript and. From the web portal you can also receive additional information about the learning process.

  • Where can I find the schedule of the classes?
  • You can check the schedule of the classes in E-student https://student.nbu.bg/ - menu "Study process", submenu "Individual schedule" and on the information boards in front of the offices of the General, Undergraduate and Graduate Schools (Building 1, first floor). Each study hall at NBU has information on the doors about the classes held there. Students are notified via email from the respective department of any changes in the schedule.

  • Where can I get my student’s book certified?
  • You can get your student’s book certified for the current semester at the International Relations Office. This will allow you to receive a public transport discount.

  • How can I get a library membership card?
  • You can apply for a library membership card at NBU’s library Service Loan Desk and the Technological center. The card will give you access to the library complex and its services, the university's computer centers and the ability to borrow books for home. NBU’s library has rich book and electronic collections which are constantly expanding in accordance with programs, professors and students’ requirements. Library’s reading-rooms provide modern possibilities for students’ work.

  • What do I need to know about the credit system at NBU?
  • NBU's academic progress is measured by credits. Credits are accumulated only after the exams are successfully passed. You can also get credits for out-of-class activities - participation in events for educational or creative purposes - conferences, seminars, practices, projects, theater productions and more. Consult with the program consultant/ secretary-specialist of your program whether participating in an event will bring you credits and under what conditions.

  • What do I have to do if I want to complete my education in a shorter period?
  • If you want to complete your education in a shorter period, you need to study on an individual plan. Students in all standard and individual programs can be trained on according to an individual plan. Consult the program consultant / secretary-specialist or the relevant School for advice on individual programs and plans.

  • How can I get a course accredited?
  • If you have studied a course in another higher education institution, you may not register and study the same course again. You can get it accredited after you submit a document certifying the right for accreditation and then you should turn to your program consultant who will start the accreditation process. According to NBU’s credit system you can get accreditation for periods of training or for specific courses studied out of NBU, courses studied in other programs (if you’ve changed your program), courses for professional qualification or postgraduate specialization studied in the Center for Professional and Continuing Education, internationally recognized certificates and diplomas for language proficiency.

  • What do I have to know about the exam session?
  • The exam sessions are three for each academic year: two regular sessions - immediately after the end of the fall and the spring semesters, and one additional session - at the beginning of September. Sessions are announced on NBU Calendar. You can check your personal schedule of the courses you have enrolled in the E-student and on the information boards of the General, Undergraduate and Graduate Schools.

  • How am I going to be assessed?
  • NBU’s types of evaluation are ongoing assessment that is conducted during the semester and an exam - within the exam session. Every assessment at NBU is multi-component. You may attend the classes regularly and thus be able to receive several current evaluations. Your final grade is formed based on them. If you are dissatisfied with the overall assessment of the current evaluation or have only one grade, you may take the exam. If you do not have any current grade, you should take the exam during the exam session. If you are studying in a distance learning program, the final grade is always obtained after the exam, and includes the grades of the previously developed self-study papers.

  • How can I take an exam for improving my grade or how to go to an equivalency exam?
  • If you want to improve your grade or you need to take an equivalency exam, you will have to fill an Application with your motivation to the Dean of the School your program is part of.

  • How to change a course or a group?
  • You can change a course or a group in the first two weeks at the beginning of each semester through the web portal E-student: https://student.nbu.bg/ or at the International Relations Office.

  • From where students enrolled in distance learning programs receive their study materials?
  • Students from distance learning programs receive specialized study materials related to the courses from office 218, Building 2.

  • When should I contact the Dean of the School of my program?
  • You can turn to the Dean when you want to change your program, or you want to change a course after the deadline. You may also contact the Dean if you want to study on an individual plan or you want to discontinue your studies for a certain period or continue your education later after that. The Deans approve individual training programs. The Deans and the Accreditation Committee of the respective School accredit courses regarding Program Boards proposals.

  • What do I have to do if I want to pass an exam before or after the exam session?
  • First you have to arrange the date and time of the exam with your professor. Then you have to go to the International Relations Office, Building 1, Student Center and ask for individual protocol or you can get print one from your profile in web portal E-student. After the exam your professor will process the protocol to the School your program is part of.

  • What do I have to do for my diploma issuance?
  • After successfully passing the state exam/ thesis defense, you must submit application documents for diploma issuance to the International Relations Office, Building 1, Student Center which are:

    1. Application form and Declaration
    2. Confirmation from the Library that you have no outstanding books or other obligations to the library
    3. Two photos
    4. Copy of your ID document/passport

    If you are admitted to the NBU after the academic year 2004/2005, you are eligible for the European Diploma Supplement, which you can apply for along with the other documents. Your diploma will be ready within four months and the European Diploma Supplement within six months.

  • How can I graduate?
  • The specific requirements for graduation are published on the page of the respective program in which you are admitted and in the Electronic Catalog http://ecatalog.nbu.bg/. In order to graduate, you need to have fulfilled the program requirements completely, to get a general transcript from the International Relation Office or https://student.nbu.bg/ and to submit it to the program consultant / secretary-specialist. After that you will be given a specific topic of the thesis, and you will get to know who your supervisor and reviewers are going to be. Before the date of the defense / state exam you’ll have to pay the corresponding defense fee (for students from EU countries only).

  • Am I going to wear a toga at my graduation ceremony?
  • Every academic year graduates are officially awarded with diplomas at a solemn ceremony on November 1, December 8, March 3 and May 24. During the ceremony, students receive their diplomas, wearing academic dress, which have different symbols according to their educational level. If you want to receive your diploma at the formal ceremony, you must register at the Graduation Office - Building 1, Floor 2, Office 110, tel.: 02/8110 284, tel.: 02/8110 255, tel.: 02 / 8110 251. You can check the dates for registration in advance at https://nbu.bg/en/students/akreditaciq-i-diplomirane. If you are unable to attend the formal ceremony, you may receive your diploma from the Graduation Office.

  • Can I find NBU at the social networks?
  • New Bulgarian University is presented in all social networks. You can join the NBU's official Facebook page - https://www.facebook.com/officialNBU/, International Students page - https://www.facebook.com/NBU-International-Students-614656795277815/. You can follow our events and messages on Twitter - https://twitter.com/NBUSofia. You can also look for New Bulgarian University at https://www.youtube.com/ and NBU's Instagram profile.