Theology of the Theory. Theology of the Symbol.
Taft, R., Edward Faruggia, O.I. Sofia: NBU and the papal Institute for the East, Rome 1992University Publications

In the Garden of Roses
Lectures and Speeches 1996-2003. Sofia, 2004. 212 pagesUniversity Publications

Hymn of St. Cyril and St. Methodius
Compiled by: A. Licheva. Sofia: NBU, 2005. 80 pagesUniversity Publications

Vasil Stoilov (1904 – 1990). One Hundred Years from the Birth of the Artist
Compiled by: Ruja Marinska, Sofia: NBU, 2004. 216 pages,University Publications

Raina Kabaivanska
Compiled by: Georgi Tekev. Sofia: NBU, 2005. 117 pagesUniversity Publications

THE UNIVERSITY: A SPECIAL WORLD OF FREEDOM. Articles, studies, speeches.
Prof. Bogdan Bogdanov. This volume is dedicated to the 15th anniversary of New Bulgarian UniversityUniversity Publications

Ethics. Introductory Course.
Denkova, Lidia. Sofia: NBU, 2003. 302 pages.Artes Liberales

The Path to Success
Ebeling, Peter. Sofia: Planet 3, 2002. 260 pages.Artes Liberales

Seaman, John and Kenrick, Douglas.Artes Liberales

Introduction to Speech Therapy. The Meaning of Life
Frankel, Victor.Sofia: Planet 3, 2002. 160 pagesArtes Liberales

About Philosophy
Ulf, Robert. Artes Liberales Series – Basic Books on General Education. Sofia: NBU, 2004. 466 pages. ISBN 954-535-309-0Artes Liberales

The World in the 21st Century
Tzvetkov, Plamen. Artes Liberales – Basic Books on General Education. Sofia: NBU, 2005. 416 pages.Artes Liberales

An Understanding of Culture
Bogdanov, B. Sofia: NBU, 2003. 15 pagesArtes Liberales

Literary Semiotics: Flirt or Regularity
Dachev, M. Sofia: NBU, 2004. 48 pages.Artes Liberales

The Fearless Science. On the Inevitable Versatility of Liberal Arts
Denkova, L., Todorov, H. Sofia: NBU, 2003. 24 pagesArtes Liberales

Semiotics, Communications, Reality
Popova, M. Sofia: NBU, 2003. 24 pagesArtes Liberales

Neurobiological Principles of Language Functions
Piryova, B. Sofia: NBU, 2003. 23 pagesArtes Liberales

Unaware, Awareness, Knowledge in the Perspective of Psychoanalysis and Neurosciences
Todorov, Orlin and Piryova, Boriana. Sofia: NBU, 2004. 24 pages.University Publications

Historical Memory
Tzvetkov, Plamen. Sofia: NBU, 2004. 21 pagesArtes Liberales

A White Straight Man
Zankov, V. Sofia: NBU, 2003. 16 pagesArtes Liberales

Anthropological Studies: V. 1
Compiled by Plamen Bochkov. – Sofia: Yar, 2000. – 180 pages.Anthropology

Anthropological Studies, V. 2. Collection
Compiled by: Tzvete Lazova. Sofia: NBU, 2001. 172 pages.Anthropology

Anthropological Studies, V. 3. Collection
Compiled by: Magdalena Elchinova. Sofia: NBU, 2002. 174 pages.Anthropology

Anthropological Studies, V. 4. Collection
Compiled by: Plamen Bochkov. Sofia: NBU, 2003. 230 pages.Anthropology

Anthropological Studies, Volume V
Compiled by: Tzvete Lazova. Sofia: NBU, 2004. 276 pages.Anthropology

Brain Hunters I. Lectures in Anthropology. Collection
Compiled by: Plamen Bochkov, Orlin Todorov. Sofia: NBU, 2002. 192 pages.Anthropology

Brain Hunters II. Lectures in Anthropology. Collection.
Compiled by: Magdalena Elchinova, Orlin Todorov. Sofia: NBU, 2003. 133 pages.Anthropology

Prominent Figures in Anthropology – 1. Lectures in Anthropology
Compiled by: Magdalena Elchinova, Tzvete Lazova. Sofia: NBU, 2004. 158 pagesAnthropology

Prominent Figures in Anthropology – 2
Compiled by: Magdalena Elchinova, Tzvete Lazova. Sofia: NBU, 2005. 174 pages.Anthropology

Year Book of the Department of Archeology. V. 5-6
Edited by: Todor Stichev. Sofia: NBU, 2000. 441 pages.Archeology

The Beginning. Collection
Compiled by: Ivan Gatzov. Sofia: NBU, 2002. 231 pages.Archeology

Year Book of the Department of Archeology. V. 6./2004. Archeology – Interdisciplinary Studies
Edited by: Todor Stichev. Sofia: NBU, 2005. 201 pages.Archeology

Modernization and Organizational Development of University Library. Collection
Sofia: NBU, 2002. 85 pages.Library Studies

Cutting of Audiovisual Products
Fingova, S.Visual Arts

To Write a Movie Script. Theoretical and Practical Aspects of Film Dramaturgy.
Hristova, S. Sofia: NBU, 2003. 243 pages.Visual Arts

Digital Cameras
Shishmanova, S.Visual Arts

Gemological Fields in Bulgaria

Ecology for Everyone: Bioecology with Principles of Sozology
Baikov, Baiko. Sofia: Planeta – 3 and NBU, 2000. 624 pages.Ecology

Ecology: Part 1. Part 2
Baikov, Baiko. Sofia: NBU, 1998. 344 pages.Ecology

Climatology and Hydrology: Part 1.
Zahariev, Vasil et co. Sofia: NBU, 1998. 200 pages.Ecology

limatology and Hydrology: Part 2.
Zahariev, Vasil et co. Sofia: NBU, 1999. 152 pages.Ecology

Environmental Monitoring and Environmental Protection in Bulgaria: Current State and Problems.
Zaharinov, Botyo and Gurgarov, Zdravko. Sofia: NBU, 2001. 132 pages.Ecology

Ecology and Use of Nature in Tourism.
Toncheva, Todorka.Sofia: NBU, 1994. 128 pages.Economics

Specialized Guide on Ecology
Baikov, B., Zaharinov, B. et co. Sofia: NBU, 2002. 267 pages.Ecology

Space, Ecology, Safety.
Getzov, P. Sofia: NBU, 2002. 211 pages.Ecology

Zoology and Preservation of Animal World
Goleminski, V. Sofia: NBU, 2002. 180 pages.Ecology

Ecology and Epidemiology
Danon, Sh. Sofia: NBU, 2002. 144 pages.Ecology

Purification of Fluids
Diakova, D. Sofia: NBU, 2002. 80 pages.Ecology

Natural Resources and Use of Nature
Zaharinov, B., Gurgurov, Z. Sofia: NBU, 2002. 171 pages.Ecology

History of Living Space
Zaharinov, B., Matinova, N. Sofia: NBU, 2002. 151 pages.Ecology

Principles of Environmental Law
Naumova, S. Sofia: NBU, 2003. 100 pages.Ecology

Treatment of Solid Everyday Waste
Prangova, L. NBU, 2002. 84 pages.Ecology

Ecological Physiology of Plants
Georgiev, Georgi. Sofia: NBU, 2004. 148 pages.Ecology

Kanchev, Lubomir. Sofia: NBU, 2004. 160 pages.Ecology