Unaware, Awareness, Knowledge in the Perspective of Psychoanalysis and Neurosciences
Todorov, Orlin and Piryova, Boriana. Sofia: NBU, 2004. 24 pages.University Publications
‘Psychoanalysis is not only interpretive activity, it can not be considered only as a form of meaning construction out of contents of which one is unaware through interpretation. Psychoanalysis has a deducting or comprising function as called by the British after Winicot and Bion. This function stems from the real and continuous interaction with the analytic as a particular individual, relation to another person as to a new object of development and change. I.e. this is the relationship aspect of psychoanalysis. It treats not only through words, through meanings, through transformation of the unaware into aware, but also through a change in the basic schemes of interaction.’