
Doctoral Programs 2024/2025


There are two types of doctoral programs at the New Bulgarian University:

  • Full-time (for stipend and fee)
  • Free for a fee

Regular doctoral studies begin on October 1, and the deadline for submitting information about them from the relevant department to the Master's Faculty is the beginning of April each year for the upcoming academic year. The head of the department proposes for discussion to the departmental council, which accepts and submits to the Master's Faculty the number and type of places applied for doctoral students. The department also offers a list of approximate general topics and their respective supervisors. The Master's Faculty moves the procedure along with the research supervisor and the department.


The admission of candidates for full-time doctoral students with a scholarship under the NBU competition takes place once a year in the month of September. The competition includes an exam in the specialty and in one foreign language chosen by the candidate (English, French, German, Spanish, Italian). Candidates submit a concept project on the topic of the dissertation.

Immediately after the announcement of the competition, information about it is published on the website of the NBU and in the State Gazette.


The procedure for admission to doctoral studies of self-study for a fee is started at the initiative of the candidate, who presents a significant part of the dissertation work on a topic of his choice to the relevant department/center. After examination of the work, an interview is held with the committee on the topic of the dissertation.


Free doctoral studies for a fee can be started at any time during the academic year, provided that the doctoral student presents a developed dissertation work in its general part - a significant part of the text, research, exhibitions, creative performances, etc.


If you want to apply to a doctoral program at the New Bulgarian University, you can contact the relevant department or the Master's Faculty:


Master's Faculty
building 1, office 122
phone: +359 2 8110 142
e-mail: sdavidova@nbu.bg


Click here for programs catalogue: https://ecatalog.nbu.bg/default.asp?V_Year=2023&PageShow=listprograms&Fac_ID=4&M_PHD=1&TabIndex=1&l=1